Saturday, January 7, 2012

Flat Sam

I've had the opportunity to work as a receptionist and data entry for the Brigham Young University-Idaho Alumni Office for the last 2 1/2 years. I love it there. My boss is kind and caring, the work keeps me busy and focused and the girls I work with have become some of my closest friends.

At our annual Christmas party this last December, we had a white elephant gift swap. And I ended up with Sam's gift...a picture of herself:

All of the girls joked about what I would do with this 8x10 portrait of Sam and I jokingly said: "Take it with me to China!" Cami yelled: "SHE CAN BE A FLAT SAM!" Thus, the idea was born. I'm going to take Sam with me to China and take pictures of her at different places that I go! Great Wall of China, Hong Kong, Olympic sites! So, when you see a bunch of pictures over the next five months of this picture of Sam, you will now understand the story behind it!

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